$250 deposit when you book assessment
A great way to make the commitment to training with your dog to sort through the issues that are stopping you having a great life.
1.5hr Assessment conducted at your home to observe, discuss and begin the training program.
8 x Personally tailored training sessions.
One on one in-house training with 2 NDTF Qualified trainers, who will teach you how to communicate WITH your dog for more reliable training results.
Along with the reasons you got us out, we focus on the 3 commands that will save your dog's life. Stay, Leave It and Recall as well as listening skills, self-control and eliminating unwanted behaviours.
With at least two months training with us, we are able to spend more time teaching you how to take training to the bulletproof stage to guarantee results under any distractions like at the beach etc
Follow up written instructions and advice that apply to each of your training sessions with your own "Operator's Manual" at the end.
Learn how you can keep your dog living a healthy, longer life and out of the vet with free nutritional/feeding advice.
Ongoing support for the lifetime of your dog.